Wrestling (Co-ed V)

JCW Guys finish 2nd at the ACAC Tournament, win 5 individual titles

By Eric Myers | Jan 24, 2025 10:58 PM

The JCW Guys finished 2nd on Friday night at the ACAC Tournament by the slimmest of margins. Corbin Lothridge, Griffin Byrum, AJ Heskett, AJ Myers, and Alan Ortiz were all able to bring home titles. The guys will be in action next Saturday at home for the IHSAA Sectional. Placements: 106 lbs Corbin Lothridge CHAMPION 113 lbs Griffin Byrum CHAMPION 120 lbs Sylas Wenk 3rd Place 126 lbs Cooper Glassford 3rd Place 132 lbs Jason Landers 4th Place 138 lbs Alex Rivers 6th Place 144 lbs AJ Heskett CHAMPION 150 lbs Gabe Ardizzone 3rd Place 157 lbs Caleb Sibray 2nd Place 165 lbs Mario Ardizzone 4th Place 175 lbs Cole Carpenter 4th Place 190 lbs AJ Myers CHAMPION 215 lbs Brice Coy 3rd Place 285 lbs Alan Ortiz CHAMPION